Jabra conference in Bethlehem

Bethlehem University hosted a conference on the renowned Bethlehemite intellectual and literary figure Jabra Ibrahim Jabra (1920 - 1994) between August 28 and 29, 2004. Jabra was a novelist, poet, short story writer, painter, literary and art critic and translator.
Eighteen specialists from the West Bank gave presentations on Jabra's works. His excellency Yahia Yakhlef, the Minister of Culture, delivered the conference keynote speech. Br. Vincent Malham (BU President-Vice Chancellor) and Mr. Hanna Naser (Mayor of Bethlehem) welcomed the participants and Dr. Aziz Khalil, the Conference Coordinator, talked about the work done by the Organizing Committee (Br. Cyril, Dr. Jeanne Kattan, Mrs. Tania Tamari Naser and Dr. Aziz Khalil). The opening session was attended by 102 participants.
On Sunday morning, Mr. Hanna Naser named a street after Jabra near one of the houses in which Jabra lived and Mr. Majdi Shomali conducted a tour for the participants, which covered the places mentioned by Jabra in his biographical novel The First Well.
The papers presented will be published in proceedings of the conference. The conference was funded by the Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development, the Palestinian Ministry of Culture and the Shoman Foundation in Jordan.

Aziz Khalil,
Conference Coordinator